
Ditch the Emotional Baggage

It’s been a while since I’ve written, but that’s not for a lack of inspiring thoughts about what I’d like to write about, more so about finding balance with my time… something I think we can all relate to in this busy life we all lead.

But here’s the thing I’ve been thinking a lot about lately.  This word BUSY.

It is like the go to answer for people when they are asked “How’s it going”.

It makes me curious why we answer the question that way.  Is it so that people think we’re out there putting the ax to the grind, working hard, doing all the things to get ahead, to be successful? So people will see us as accomplished? So we won’t appear as lazy or unmotivated? Is it that we don’t want to feel like a failure so we claim busy as our badge of honor?

It’s interesting right? Why do you think people say they’re sooooo busy all the time.

OK you might be thinking, Sandra, it’s because I am busy.  I’ll give that to most of you because this life is freaking crazy at times.  Between work, family, kids, obligations, commitments, and all the in between’s that need to get done life can feel way to fast.

Is it Really the Busyness That’s the Problem?

But… sometimes it’s not really the busyness of our life that’s the issue.  It’s not that we have all these things on our plate and we can’t manage them and that’s why we feel exhausted and burnt out.  Because there are many people in this world who lead very busy and full lives but don’t feel exhausted and overwhelmed every day.  So what’s the difference?

It’s the fact that we are going about doing all these things in our life carrying the weight of negative energy with us.  The list of things we have to do is not the problem, rather it’s the energy we are carrying with us as we do it. That heavy weighted contracted negative energy is what’s making us feel exhausted and overwhelmed.  It’s like carrying a piano on your shoulders as you go about your day to day.  Going to the grocery store… not an overwhelming task, but if you’re carrying a piano with you, it is.  Taking your kids to their activities… not an overwhelming task, but if you’re carrying a piano with you, it is. Managing your work schedule… I think you see my point.

Where does this negative energy come from?

We need to first understand we are 100% an energetic body.  When you microscope us down to the finest point we are atoms of moving energy with a vibrational frequency. Negative energy is created when we experience situations & influences in our life that produce negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Negativity can make you feel heavy, contracted, dark, low energy, irritable & defensive and also creates a lens of fear & anger through which we see the world. That negative energy when not released in a healthy way become blockages in our body and prevent our positive high vibrational energy from flowing freely.  Negativity is toxic to your entire system and triggers a stress response in our body creating a whole host of physical symptoms and problems. We are actually genetically inclined in our nervous systems to seek the negativity of situations.  This historically was critical to our survival when real life or death situations were a daily occurrence.  This negativity bias kept humans alive.  But over generations our actual threat in life has decreased substantially but yet that negativity bias still exists making a pessimistic, distrustful, and cynical attitude towards life more likely.

How the Piano Get’s Stuck

Because we are naturally inclined to take a negative perspective, we naturally have predominantly negative thoughts, this creates negative beliefs programmed in our minds that leads to unhealthy heavy weighted negativity in our entire lives.  But it’s not only the thoughts that create the negativity, it’s the feelings that those thoughts elicit.

If you think about something that you’d like to accomplish in life and some form of the thought “I’m not good enough” comes into your mind it immediately triggers a negative feeling and a negative physical sensation in the body.  Try it.  Now never think that again please.

That negative feeling is an energy.  If we express that feeling it then becomes an emotional response (emotion = the energy of feelings in motion). If we don’t express it, as often is the case because expressing negative emotions is commonly viewed and judged as inappropriate or like something is wrong with you, then it does not move and becomes stuck.  3 seconds later we have another negative thought that triggers a negative feeling that we again stuff it down and it joins the rest of it’s negative buddies stuck in your body.  Over time, that becomes a BIG problem.  All that stuck negative emotional energy literally creates physical blockages to the free flowing energy of our body, it lowers your vibration making you more susceptible and causing significant physical illness and disease.

Removing these blockages takes time, commitment, and action.

My Top 5 Tips to Ditch Your Emotional Baggage

Here are my top 5 tips for cleansing this negative energy from your body and your mind to allow the positive high vibrational energy to freely flow throughout your body and experience the most amazing shifts in all areas of your life.

  1. If the word mediation rubs you wrong because you just can’t picture yourself sitting on the floor like a buddha then let’s just call it quiet connection. Some of the benefits of meditation include:
    1. Decreasing the effects of the stress response and calms the nervous system
    2. Increasing your awareness of your thought patterns, emotional triggers, and behavior habits.
    3. Shifts your negative patterns
    4. Allows you to connect with your inner self without distraction or external perceptions
    5. Brings our internal messages to the surface
  2. Moving your body allows energy to flow. Activity that is an experience of your personal expression is extremely beneficial, just as dancing.  My choice is Kundalini Yoga, which just happens to include dancing.  Don’t google it cause there’s a likelihood that you’ll be turned off.  The basis of kundalini is awakening your potential and moving our energy.  It’s powerful, extremely effective, and yields quick results.  I highly suggest my teacher, Gloria Latham, a more modern and accessible form of kundalini practice.
  3. Emotional Healing Techniques. Directly focusing our attention on stuck negative emotional experiences as well as the negative mindsets that accompany them and then using specific tools and processes to dissolve the energy that’s attached also yields extremely powerful, effective, and quick results.  My technique of choice is the Aroma Freedom Technique.  To learn more check out this link.
  4. Experiencing the high vibrational healing of nature is a powerful way to scrubt he negative energy from your mind and body. The beauty and captivating hold of nature, makes it very difficult to maintain a negative perspective. You can’t look at a majestic mountainside and think, I hate life, it just doesn’t happen.
  5. Break the Victim Loop. Life is full of challenges, it’s what makes us grow and learn and is critical to us reaching the dreams we have for our life. We are naturally inclined to slip into victim mode complaining, blaming, and shaming when we come up against these challenges.  But we need to break that loop.  Instead we can choose to look for the lesson and gift in every situation, focus on solutions, and allow the situation to evolve trusting that it will turn our better than we imagined.  NOTE: if you’re leading a life full of experiences that leave you feeling negative and miserable then it is very difficult to break the victim cycle without first changing the experiences  you’re choosing.
  6. Smile & Connect. So often do we go about our day to day trapped in our mind. Circling thoughts of what we need to do, where we need to go, thoughts about ordinary things and thoughts about our dreams and wishes for our life.  We spend so much time thinking and give far too much attention up there.  Life is happening all around us and we’re missing it.  Focus on the present, see hear feel everything around you and just breathe.  Smile at strangers, make conversation and genuinely listen to people, connect with others because at our deepest core we’re all the same.  None of us are perfect, we’ve all experienced struggle and tough times, we’re all fighting our own battles.  So next time you’re out try really seeing people and connecting your heart with theirs as we all navigate this cray labyrinth of life.

Ok there was 6 things but here’s the deal, even if you just do one of these things it will start to shift your energy, start to dissolve some of that pent up negative fire ball that’s festering inside of you.  Break it up, cleanse yourself of the poison that is negativity and start to experience life in a much more joyful way.

The next Full to Fulfilled program is starting February 24th! Not quite sure if it’s a fit for you? Read through here and book a free self discovery call with me where we can take a deeper dive into what’s happening for you and see if this isn’t exactly what you’re looking for.