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What is Kundalini Yoga?
Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of unleashing your potential, of awakening everything that you are meant to be in this life.
Kundalini is a powerful cathartic practice that allows you to open up your energetic channels through the specific repetitive movements that intentionally target stuck energy in our systems. This energy can be in the form of old habits, old beliefs, emotional pain, loss and grief, and so much more heaviness we are holding that is no longer serving our best self. Kundalini yoga not only releases the stuck old energy but it opens up the channels for renewal. It opens our hearts and our minds to all that we are and all that we are capable of. It creates a life of limitless possibilities and creativity.
Kundalini Yoga and Meditation are two incredible transformative tools that we can use to not only process the stress and emotional overwhelm that comes with the roles we play in our lives but also to open us up to hope, energy, and vitality.
What is Transformational Breathwork?
Transformational Breathwork uses the power of an activated breath sequence, inspirational coaching & guidance, hands on healing & support, and meticulously curated musical playlists to allow you to go deep within yourself to find release and the bliss of pure presence and freedom.
It holds the capacity to empower you to free yourself from the shackles and
chains of your past and the destructive critical stories of your mind so that you can cultivate a deep sense of acceptance with life as it is and feel more capable of creating the life you ultimately desire.During the journey we use a conscious connected breath sequence that activates the sympathetic nervous system inducing a flow state of being that allows for a profoundly cathartic and clarifying experience to take place.
Sandra Payne
Sandra Payne is an ex-Registered Nurse turned Master Certified Trauma Informed Holistic Wellness Coach. Through awakening from her own shame trauma and depression she found herself uniquely positioned to support others through their own inner transformation. Unwinding the generations of conditioning became her life’s work and integrating holistic approaches into this process was essential. Proud owner of The Lighthouse Holistic Healing, within which Sandra provides a safe container of guidance and facilitation integrating a dynamic approach to mental and emotional wellness that includes mindfulness, meditation, somatic exploration, kundalini awakening yoga, aroma freedom, reiki healing, and transformational breathwork.